Sports and activities at the beach in Viña del Mar, ValparaÃso, Chile
Viña del mar - the active city! Thanks to the city's location you can find an opportunity to do some sports almost everywhere....
Typical Chilean fast food
Completos! The Chilean hotdog is everywhere and with empanadas the most common fast food here. But what makes it Chilean? You take a...
Straydogs in ValparaÃso, Chile
Here in Valparaiso you can find many streetdogs. They have their own territories and are also buidling groups. We know them already very...
Cordillera and the Andes - longest mountain chain on earth
The cordillera is a chain of mountain ranges in america. They reach from Alaska to Fireland and so they are the longest mountain chain on...
Humita - typical Chilean food recipe
One of the oldest chilean recipes is the humita. It is named after the quechua "humint'a" but the direct origin is not really clear. It...
PISCO SOUR - national drink of Chile
Pisco Sour - The national drink of Chile. About the origin disagree the Peruvians and the Chileans since many years already. The Pisco...
BOLDO - typical Chilean plant and natural medicine against stomach aches
Boldo is a plant wich you can find very often here in the region of Campesano. Out of the leaves you can make tea wich helps when having...
ValparaÃso - famous, unique and fascinating
ValparaÃso - our neighboortown. A town which is UNESCO worldheritage because of its uniqueness. The inhabitants call themselves...
German memories in Chile
Sometimes we germans on the campesano ranch can see a little bit of our homecountry in Chile. This time it was a container from Hamburg....
New Year´s Eve in Chile, ValparaÃso
Chileans celebrate New Year´s Eve with family and friends. There is a tradition of eating 12 grapes - symbolizing the 12 months of the...