Our Cat Lilly found a beautiful lizard
On the hunt... Today our cat lily found a wonderful prey! We have lizards in every corner here but this one truly is beautiful! Auf der...

Fresh organic chicken eggs - great to have but hard to get sometimes
Sometimes our chickens get creative what concerns their places to put their eggs. Its really hard to find them, but often its a lot...

New home for the geese on our campesano farm
A new home for our geese. After a day of exhausting work the paddock is ready for use. It has a small pont, shelter and a big cozy nest....

Cat "Lily" on the campesano farm
Lily is one of our 3 cats and the most uncommon and the most trusting one. She doesnt have usual tiger stripes. They have diffrent...

Straydogs in ValparaÃso, Chile
Here in Valparaiso you can find many streetdogs. They have their own territories and are also buidling groups. We know them already very...

A family of owls in the campesano barn
Our family of owls: two teenagers and two adults. (One was hiding on the Photo) Known as "Hedwig" in Harry Potter, the barn owl became...

Snake ate a mouse near the horse stables
A snake that just ate a mouse ! Constrictors are in chile very common, but they are normally very small and uncoloured. They are also...